Koji Morimoto
Animation director
Tokyo, Japan

Koji Morimoto / Animation director / TOKYO
Made his directorial debut with "Franken's Gear" in the movie Robot Carnival (1987). His major works include the settings, assistant animation director, and original drawings for the movie AKIRA (1988). He has also directed the music video "EXTRA" for Ken Ishii (1996), "Noiseman" (1997), "ANIMATRIX 'Beyond'" (2003), and "Magnetic Rose" for MEMORIES (1995). Directed Genius Party Beyond's "Dimension Bomb" (2008) Magic: The Gathering Exhibition 25th-Anniversary animation "φ" (Phy) (2018). He has also worked on a number of projects as a member of the original art staff, including Witch's Delivery Service, Space Cobra, Macross Plus, City Hunter 3, and Street Fighter. He has also been actively involved in the production of music videos for musicians. He directed "Opening", "Exodus'04" and "Crossover Interlude" for Fluximation (2005) in collaboration with Utada Hikaru, "POSITIVE NOISE" for System7 (2011) and "Recoil ignore" for MONO (2012). System7's "POSITIVE NOISE" (2011) and MONO's "Recoil ignite" (2014). He recently directed Grammy Award-winning artist Sturgill Simpson's music video "Mercury in Retrograde" (2019).
森本晃司 / アニメーション監督 / 東京
映画ロボットカーニバル(1987)の中の「フランケンの歯車」で監督デビュー。 主な代表作は映画 「AKIRA」(1988)の設定、作画監督補、原画等。映画MEMORIES(1995)の「Magnetic Rose」(彼女のおもいで)ケン・イシイのMV 「EXTRA」(1996)映画「ノイズマン」(1997)「ANIMATRIX ’Beyond’」(2003)映画Genius Party Beyondの 「Dimension Bomb」(2008) マジック:ザ・ギャザリング展 25th-Anniversary アニメーション「φ」(Phy)(2018)などを監督。原画スタッフとして参加した主な作品は数多く、魔女の宅急便、スペースコブラ、マクロス・プラス、シティーハンター3 、ストリートファイターなどがある。 またミュージシャンのMVの制作も積極的に携わっている。
Utada HikaruとコラボレーションしたFluximation(2005)で 「Opening」 「Exodus’04」「Crossover Interlude」を監督。System7の「POSITIVE NOISE」(2011)やMONOの 「Recoil ignite」(2014) など。最近ではグラミー賞受賞アーティストのスタージル・シンプソンの MV「Mercury in Retrograde」(2019)を監督。
I love to express the movement of animation, so for this drawing, I drew what I wanted to draw freely with fun. I'm often asked if it is a cut from my work, but when I draw my characters, I just draw what I want to express. I don't decide whether I draw a male or a female, I draw as I go with my brush and I don't always care about the gender of the characters. I hope people feel a sense of excitement that cannot be expressed in words.

Coming soon.
クリエイター特区 ギャラリー

UN/BUILT AR Nihonbashi
AR Street Gallery
AR art works created by AR Three Brothers, a development unit led by Tom Kawada, who has been augmenting reality one after another with AR technology, will be exhibited in Naka-dori Avenue and Fukutoku-no-mori Forest in Nihonbashi. Some of the works are two ideas selected from about 500 proposal applications from the public at the end of last year, and will be implemented and exhibited in the area through co-creation with the AR Three Brothers. By combining a wide variety of ideas with AR technology, we will transform the Nihonbashi street into a new exhibition space. Download the "AR Three Brothers' Social Experiment" app (free of charge) , and visitors can view the artwork floating on the real space on the app.
日本橋の仲通りおよび福徳の森を舞台に、ARの技術で次々に現実を拡張してきた川田十夢氏率いる開発ユニット、AR三兄弟が制作するARアート作品の展示を行います。作品の一部は、昨年末の一般募集により集まった約500案から採択された2つのアイデアであり、AR三兄弟との共創により街に実装・展示されます。多種多様なアイデアにAR技術を掛け合わせ、日本橋の街を新たな展示空間へと変えていきます。 「AR三兄弟の社会実験」アプリ(無料)をDLし、アプリ上でリアル空間上に浮かび上がるアートを鑑賞。

UN/BUILT Gallery
Real Gallery
The "UN/BUILT" gallery will open in Nihonbashi, Tokyo where digital art will be exhibited using displays and projectors in a real space in Nihonbashi. The digital art created based on the concept of "UN/BUILT," which refers to a wide range of unbuilt, unrealized, but imagined architecture, will also be displayed in the digital gallery described below, making it accessible from both real and online locations, and allowing visitors to experience the "UN/BUILT" concept in the real world. It provides an experience that blurs the line between virtual and reality in the middle of metropolitan Tokyo.
[Outline of the exhibition]
Place: Fukushima Bldg. 1F, 1-5-3 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Period: May 27-June 19, 2022 (open 11:00-18:00, closed Tuesdays)
Overview: 10 digital artworks by 10 creators will be exhibited
Admission: free
場所: 東京都中央区日本橋室町1-5-3 福島ビル1階
期間: 2022年5月27日~6月19日(11時から18時まで開場、火曜日定休)
概要: クリエイター10名のデジタルアート作品10点を展示予定
入場: 無料

UN/BUILT Virtual Gallery
NFT Gallery
In the midst of the rapid digital shift in response to the global Covid disaster, digital art will be sold worldwide on OpenSea, the world's largest NFT marketplace, using NFT (*), a means of supporting free economic activity on the next-generation distributed Internet, known as Web3. The event will open a place to sell the products. Creators' works exhibited in the "UN/BUILT" Gallery and "UN/BUILT" Digital Gallery will be auctioned. *NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital asset that can be proven to be unique using blockchain technology.
世界的なコロナ禍を受け急速なデジタルシフトが進む中、Web3と呼ばれる次世代の分散型インターネットでの自由な経済活動を支援する手段であるNFT(※)を用いて、世界最大規模のNFTマーケットプレイスである「OpenSea」上で世界に向けてデジタルアートを販売する場を開設します。“UN/BUILT”ギャラリー・“UN/BUILT”デジタルギャラリーで展示されたクリエイターたちの作品がオークション形式で出品されます。 ※NFT(Non-Fungible Token=非代替性トークン)とはブロックチェーン技術を用いて、唯一無二であることを証明可能にしたデジタル資産